For a number of years now the women with whom PDA have been working have said that they need their own space where they can hold their own meetings, run their own training and education workshops and have a safe and secure place where they can stay overnight when needed. Up until now the women have had to borrow different rooms for these purposes but it was felt that if we were really going to contribute to building women’s empowerment, they needed their own independent space. Therefore in the recent (Nov 2014) field visit of PDA director Justin Coburn, The Bees board of governance agreed to provide the location for the Women’s Education Centre as well as the labour required to build it. PDA has agreed to pay for the building materials. As the land available in the community of Acteal is limited, it has been agreed that the women’s education centre will be built on top of an existing community structure which is the building shown in the above photo.
Funds raised from the PDA ten year anniversary dinner in February 2015 will go towards the construction of the Women’s Education Centre.